Sunday 19 April 2015

Spring Flower.


Spring has sprung.

Its that time of year again, when the suns out and the blossoms blooming. Spring has sprung. As much as I love a good winter month, a chunky knit and beautiful boot, spring has rapidly become my favourite time of year.
Easter of course (Besides the Religious meanings), is daffodils and chocolate. But there's so much more. For me, having two weeks home from uni, its the perfect time to catch up with old friends and family. The clocks go back, the evenings become lighter and your whole perspective of the day shifts. Whether your experiencing the sunny glows of spring or the light April showers that entail with the season change. There's no doubt a view of blossom, a light knit, a book or friendly face joined with a cup of tea, hot cross bun or a homemade Victoria sponge will brighten and cheer up any day.
(And of course you can't forget those Easter cakes)


xoxo -A



  1. One thing I don't like about having a job is that we don't get Easter holidays and things like that. I'd love two weeks off! But Easter is definitely one of my favourite times of the year,I just love the whole feeling of it :)

    1. Oh no, I feel for you! Hope you still had great Easter though and can find some chill time :)
      P.S Great Blog! xx
