100g Marshmallows
3tbsp Golden Syrup
125g Butter
300g Quality Dark Chocolate
200g Rich Tea Biscuits (or 400g Digestive Biscuits)
1 Handful Dried Cranberries or dried fruit of choice (optional)
1. Melt the butter, syrup and chocolate in a pan on a medium heat.
2. Put the biscuits in a freezer bag and bash with a rolling pin. (You preferably want a mix of crumbs and small chucks.)
3. Pour 3/4 of the mixture in a bowl with the biscuit and stir. 4. Put Leave the leftover 1/4 to one side.
5. Mix the marshmallows and dried cranberries in to the mixture in the bowl and any other optional dried fruit/ ingredients.
6. Scoop the mixture in to a square 25cm tin with a 5cm depth. Smooth the top as much as possible.
7. Pour the leftover 1/4 of melted chocolate over the top of the mixture in the baking tray and smooth with the back of a spoon.
8. Finally, chill in the fridge for minimum 2 hours or preferably over night.